Saving a New Activity
- Go to or type in your web search "".
- Use the login fields to enter your username and password.
If you haven't received the Welcome email for your program, contact - Once you are logged in, go to Activities > Enter New Activity.
- Open Activity Type and choose your form type. This affects the structure of fields below.
- Set the fields needed to track the corresponding activity (varies by activity type).
- The Date field has a calendar that highlights today's date.
- Lists can be searched to reveal their contents.
- Private Notes are private to yourself and cannot be seen by any other person in the system, including program staff and administration.
- When the activity is ready, use the Save buttons at the top or bottom of the page.
- Save - Go to the View Activities page
- Save and New - Go to a new blank activity
- Save and Duplicate - Go to a new activity with all settings copied over from this one
Searching and Viewing Your Activities
Refer to this article to find out how to search your activities in a customized way
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